Happy Patient Reviews
She guided me through a very difficult time in my life, giving me lots of insight and support.... something you don't often get from a doctor. Through her insight, and lots of testing, we learned that what I had thought for 15 years was Sciatica, was really MS (multiple sclerosis) related. Dr. Mousseli's knowledge and compassion has truly been invaluable.
Kelley Miller
..I was recommended to this facility by my orthopedic surgeon to receive therapy for my neck and my right wrist...In my humble opinion, this is the best of all four clinics that I have been exposed to since my first surgery. The staff members under Dr. Mousselis direction are the most ethical, responsive and efficient that I have ever met. I feel very satisfied and fortunate to
finally find myself in good hands...
Joseph Hernandez
"After 7 months of walking around on crutches, undergoing numerous tests, cortisone shots, pain medication and visits to orthopedic and hip specialists, I was blessed to find Dr. Mousseli. She was the first doctor to really listen to me to assess the
pain I was having in my hip area. Through some very gentle chiropractic, physiotherapy and stretching, after just a few visits I
was able to make it through most days without pain medication and limited use of the crutches."
Mary Curtis
"...I was recommended by my family practice doctor, due to my back pain and leg weakness. Im very grateful that I finally found the best chiropractor in the world. Im now able to play with my kids and go for walks with my husband."
Regina Jimenez
I became a patient of Dr. Mousseli in August 2005. I love the atmosphere. Its a kind , caring staff. My first visit which was the consultation Dr. Mousseli was very patient, willing to listen and understanding. Now I have NO pain, able to exercise, and overall happier. Thank You! ...
Yung Roman